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Ranking of the medical schools in the Dominican Republic 2020

Foto del escritor: Sorivel Sosa HSorivel Sosa H

Autor: Luis Despradel MD

Imagen WIX

In the world directory of medical schools, 17 schools appear under the Dominican Republic. Out of those, 11 are active and are main institutions, while 6 are not active nor the main campus of the institution.

Active Medical Schools

1. Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, (UASD).

2. Universidad Católica Nordestana, (UCNE).

3. O&M, Medical School, (O&Med).

4. Instituto Tecnológico Dominicano, (INTEC).

5. Universidad Católica del Cibao, (UCATECI).

6. Pontifica Universidad católica Madre y Maestra, (PUCMM).

7. Universidad Central del Este, (UCE).

8. Universidad Eugenio María de Hostos, (UNIREMHOS).

9. Universidad Iberoamericana, (UNIBE).

10. Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, (UNPHU).

11. Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago, (UTESA).

Inactive Medical Schools

1. Universidad Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos, (C.E.T.E.C).- Closed

2. Universidad Mundial Dominicana, Escuela de Medicina. - Closed

3. Universidad Centro de Investigación, (C.I.F.A.S.). - Closed

4. Universidad Federico Henríquez y Carvajal, (UFHEC). - Technical School/ No medicine

5. Universidad Internacional Eugenio María de Hostos, (UNIREMHOS). - Still in directory but based on old name.

6. Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago, (UTESA).

a. Santo Domingo Campus- Inactive


For this ranking, 36 medical professionals from the Dominican Republic were surveyed. They must be currently enrolled or have graduated from a medical school in the Dominican Republic. They were questioned through social media (Instagram private message and WhatsApp) with the question:

How would you rank the Medical Schools from the Dominican Republic?

No further instructions were given. If asked the purpose, it was explained that it was for a report to the program director of a program.


· Small sample.

· Heterogeneity of the criteria for ranking.

· Selection bias and observer effect. Not all alumni/students from every university were polled.


· Diversity of opinion. Sample size >1.

· Insight from different perspective.

· A more wholistic view of ranking and name recognition of the medical schools in the Dominican Republic.

· Some qualitative data to assess some form of picture of the thinking behind rankings


Ranking universities is a very subjective and hard process. Based on the information acquired in the survey, we can say that most of the individuals surveyed had a favorable view of INTEC (44%), followed by UNIBE (42%) and UNPHU (22%), by putting these universities in their number one spot. Name recognition could have played a big role in the ranking system, as only UNPHU, UNIBE, INTEC and UASD were mentioned by more than 50% of the individuals, while the other universities were ignored by over 50% of the surveys. This factor can cause outliers like O&Med that while not mentioned by 58% of the subjects, was put in the first position by 11% of the individuals that had an opinion about it.

The top three schools would be INTEC, UNIBE and UNPHU as they were stated to be in the top 3 by 83%, 70% and 60% of the individuals that had them on their list, respectively. The UASD had the most heterogenous spread withing the ranking, but it was put in the top 3 by 44% of the individuals that had it in their list. Another aspect to note is that PUCMM and O&Med are close contenders for the top 3 with 28% and 20% of individuals ranking them in their top 3.

Personally, I believe this interpretation is not far from reality and my opinion. Regardless, there is a deeper truth to be stated that the merits of the individual will not be limited by the institution that they study in, the “quality” of the institution would only present a floor on which the individual can sore from, and from there the sky is the limit.


Special thanks to everyone who took their time to take the survey and review the final report.



Mar 16, 2021

Yo fui un estudiante de la escuela de medicina de la Universidad Autonoma de Santo

Domingo. Mientras estudiaba alla, siempre oia de todos los dominicanos alla que el

mejor sitio para estudiar medicina era la (UASD). Aun aca en Estados Unidos, encuentro

que todos los dominicanos me dicen que la mejor y mas antigua universidad en Santo Domingo era la (UASD). Para todas las materias clinicas habia un hospital para practicarlo. Si van a juzgar cual universidad es la que mejor en dar clases de medicina deben investigar cuales de esas tienen reciprocidad con escuelas de medicina aca en Estados Unidos. La (UASD) tiene reciprocidad con muchas universidades con escuelas de medicina. Mientras estudiaba alla se me permitio ver pacientes…

Dra Sory
Dra Sory
Apr 21, 2021
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